"Aku masih mencari Dia, dalam pencarian diriku,
Aku mahu mengenali Dia, dalam manifestasi cintaku.
Aku paksikan rindukan Dia, sebagai bukti Dia syurgaku.
Pada Dia Yang Satu, hidupku matiku hanya untukMu".

Saturday, October 2, 2010



I’m sorry Palestine,
for forgotten my brothers and sisters are there,
Suffering for fighting for their own land,
Debating whether to live or die,
As many tears has turned into blood,
And the earth turned into red sand.

For every seconds of the day,
They wish to be numb to all of their pain,
While we enjoy the day with full of laughter,
We forgot the cries of the innocent kids and their fear.

As the world gone all blind, 
I pray for the strength always in your soul and mind,
While you shed tears for helping hands,
Do believe, new days will come.


This poem I wrote in last year in my diary, which I dedicated it to my all Palestinians brothers and sisters. Till now, they are still suffering.. but many of us, start forgetting, as just the issue settled..  please be updated with the issue, help and always pray for them.

*sorry my english isn't so good...;)

I’m sorry Palestine,
I’ve forgot my brothers and sisters are there,
Suffering for fighting for their own land,
Debating whether to live or die,
As many tears has turned into blood,
And the earth turned into red sand.

For every seconds of the day,
They wish to be numb to all of their pain,
While we enjoy the day with full of laughter,
We forgot the cries of the innocent kids and their fear.

As the world gone all blind, 
I pray for the strength always in your soul and mind,
While you shed tears for helping hands,
Do believe, the new days will come.


Telah kupilih jalanMu
Jalan yang mendekatkan aku padaMu
Jalan orang-orang yang beriman dan beramal soleh
Dan aku yakin sebenar-benarnya
Cintaku padaMu takkan pernah dikecewakan

Namun Tuhan,
Ampuni aku,
Fitrah hati ini terlalu berat untuk kubuang
Terlalu pahit untuk ditelan
Tapi terus-terusan aku gagahkan
Demi menggapai cintaMu Yang Satu

Bantulah aku Tuhan
Jika rinduku ini imaginasi syaitan
Dan kuminta ia dilenyapkan
Andai kasihku berlandaskan nafsu
Kumohon matikanlah rasa cinta
yang belum tentu jadi milikku

Tolonglah aku Tuhan
Untuk mengisi bejana cintaku untukMu
Agar aku takkan pernah dahagakan
Cinta dari insan yang tak halal bagiku
Teguhkan kasihku untukMu
Agar aku tak kecundang dijajah cinta yang dusta
Yang menjadi hijab di antara kita

Gagahkan aku Tuhan
Untuk menenggelamkan kapal cinta manusia
Walau ia segah Titanic
Tetapku pinta ia karam
Jika belayar di lautan dosa

Dan kumohon Tuhan
Damaikanlah ombak  di hati
Walaupun ribut datang mengundang
Kasihku ikat di dasar Rabbi
Kerna ianya lumrah ujian..
Dan akan kuterus tekadkan janji
Telah kupilih jalanMu.

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